Monday, April 20, 2020

April 20th

We hope that everyone is staying safe, healthy and adjusting to our new normal.  The switch to on-line teaching has had its challenges but it also has given us an opportunity to learn new ways of reaching our students while learning new computer programs. 

We have now been on-line for 3 weeks and have been assigning daily assignments in all subjects.  Thank you to those of you who have been checking the Google classroom on a daily basis and completing all assigned work. 

However, we have noticed that some students are not logging in or turning in their work on a regular basis.  We understand that all families are faced with their own challenges around computer sharing, parents working from home, as well as students needing extra support with assignments. 

Please note that teachers are available during the day for emails and we have bi-weekly open chat times that the kids can log on and access us for help.  Please ask your child on a daily basis what assignments they are working on or what was assigned this week and if possible, assist them with the understanding of assignments.

Since each student’s experiences at home are unique, we have been asked to not send out individual reminders for students who are not completing assignments.


  • All assignments are posted on a daily basis by 8:30am and most do not have due dates as we understand that all students are working on assignments at different times.
  • We have a weekly Google Meet on Friday.  Times will be posted on the Stream at the beginning of the week but we are trying to alternate times from morning to afternoon to accommodate different times that kids may have access to a computer. 
  • Assignments should be turned in through Google Classroom.
  • Jump math pages can be completed in student JUMP Math Books, printed PDF copies, or on an separate scrap piece of paper.  The day after each Math lesson,  the answer key is posted.  Students are to check their own work and then join us for our bi-weekly google chat for help if they are having trouble with concepts.
  • Teachers are available for e-mail during school hours from 9-3:30. 

We know this has been a real change for everyone and we truly appreciate your patience while we navigate this new way of teaching and learning.