Monday, May 25, 2020

May 25



Over the past week, students have been learning about decimal place value (tenths, hundreths, and thousandths) and that fractions and decimals are related.  They were asked to order decimals from least to greatest, to match decimals to their equivalent fraction, and to convert decimals to fractions and vice versa.  This week, students will be learning how to add and subtract decimal numbers.


Students were tasked with completing one final book report on their book club book.  In the book report, students were asked to write about the main character and setting of their book, and to provide a brief summary of the plot.  They were also asked to write about their favourite part, and one thing that they would change about the book. They were also asked to rate the book out of 5 stars and give a reason for their rating.  Moving forward, we will start to incorporate literacy into our Social Studies and Science lessons.


We have begun our look at Electricity. Students completed an electricity web quest by watching a Bill Nye episode and reading a few articles.  Students then learned about different ways to stay safe around electricity.  They will be completing an electrical safety mini project this week.

Social Studies

Students have started to learn a bit more about the history of Canada.  Over the next few weeks, we will continue to look at various people and events that shaped Canadian history.


  • The Simons Valley School Food Drive this Wednesday and Thursday at SVS from 9:00AM-2:00PM
  • Brown Bagging is continuing to offer lunches by the Community Ice rink Sheds from 11-1. A School Messenger email will be sent about this.
  • We are here to help! We host two school work help sessions a week.  During these times, students can join and get one on one or small group help on their school work through video meetings with the teacher.  You can check the Stream page to stay updated on the dates and times of these sessions.  If you feel like your child is struggling and would benefit from additional help, please contact the teacher to set up a private one on one video call.